Niel Joubert Wines, where quality and value meet.
The founder of Klein Simonsvlei, Piet Joubert, bought the farm in 1898 with the main objective of producing fruit. His second son Daniel joined him on the farm at the age of 22, followed by his son Niel, who took over to run operations in 1950. While grapes were also grown here at the turn of the century, production remained small until the 4th generation when Daan took over fully in 1981.
The current structure is family-strong. Daan heads up the team, while also taking the role of viticulturist and fruit farmer; Niel Jnr, a qualified winemaker, runs the finances. His sister Mari looks after sales and distribution plus the social issues, such as a crèche for staff children, and an after-school club with the Pebbles Project. Mother Eleanor does the wages and takes care of whatever catering is required. Daan’s mother (Christine-Marié) also lives on the farm, in a beautiful garden setting and has made the gardens her responsibility.
The vineyards which are some 260 ha in extent are situated on the Paarl side of the Simonsberg Mountain. The farm has a moderate climate, ideal for grape growing, with an average winter rainfall of 900mm and temperatures ranging from 7°C in winter to 30°C in summer. The cooling Atlantic breeze in summer greatly contributes to the flavour retention of the grapes.
Contact person: Vanessa Adendorff
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Contact number: 083 326 6484
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